The EdgeTier Blog

On this page, we share news from EdgeTier products, our thoughts on customer service best practices, and we try to distil the world of customer service automation and AI to easily digestible and useful posts for our customers and readers.

CCMA Members Forum - CarTrawler & Edgetier - Using AI to deliver seamless customer experiences and drive commercial results

CarTrawler & Edgetier breakfast briefing on 'using AI to deliver seamless customer experiences and drive commercial results'.

Why Bother Assisting Agents In Customer Service?

The role of a customer support agent What does it mean these days to be a customer support agent? It […]

Enhancing Customer Service Performance With AI - Interview

Bart, CTO at EdgeTier, gave an interview with Eline Chivot from the Center for Data Innovation recently, discussing how artificial intelligence can enhance human-centric customer service through better personalisation, faster responses, and greater accuracy.

Is a Lack of Personalisation Driving Down Customer Experience Scores?

Humans versus technology. High quality conversations or faster response times? This is the dilemma that the vast majority of companies […]

CCMA Awards 2019

Last week marked EdgeTier's first time attending the CCMA awards and I was lucky enough to be in attendance with […]

Agent Stress: Identification and Management in Contact Centres

Stress has always been seen as commonplace in the customer service sector with stating that 83% of US workers […]

What Is Good Customer Service For Retail?

In this blog post we will look specifically at retail and how the UK retail industry compares with both its competition and the overall industry average. We will also outline industry benchmarks and suggestions on what it takes to provide best-in-class customer support.

What Is Good Customer Service For Utilities?

Previously EdgeTier investigated what was considered to be good customer service for the retail industry and compared it with 11 […]

Anomaly Detection - Can it help in Contact Centre Management?

Track every metric Keeping on top of the metrics and activities required to ensure your contact centre is running smoothly […]
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Customer Focused Leaders Trust EdgeTier

See how customer-centric teams use EdgeTier AI to unlock their customer reality, drive retention, and improve their customer experience.
Abercrombie & Fitch
Nick Brazitis
Global Customer Care Manager
“The anomaly feature is a game changer for us. It’s highly accurate and has helped us identify customer issues, agent errors, and even fraud that would have taken us longer to catch.”
Codere Online COO
Deborah Guivisdalsky
"We are now able to react to issues faster than before, while also finding hidden issues that may have gone unnoticed for days."
James Waghorn
James Waghorn
Director of Customer Contact
"EdgeTier is no ordinary software product... It has completely changed how we work at CarTrawler."
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Demo EdgeTier Sonar at your contact centre and we’ll tell you when you would have been alerted over the last 3 months…
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